How to Keep Your Charcoal Grill Lit?

You’ve got your grill clean, the coals are in place, and you’re ready to cook some steaks. You take a look at the instructions on how to light it, and they seem like they’re written in another language.

How to Keep Your Charcoal Grill Lit?

Don’t fret! In this article, we’ll talk about getting that charcoal grill lit so you can cook up a delicious barbecue, no matter what smoker or grill you’ve got.

How to keep your charcoal grill lit

If you’re having trouble keeping your charcoal grill lit, you can do a few things to help. First, make sure you’re using fresh, dry charcoal. Wet or old charcoal can be harder to light and keep lit.

Second, build your fire in the center of the grill so the heat can be evenly spread out. Third, use a chimney starter to get your coals going before adding them to the grill.

Fourth, add some wood chips or chunks to create smoke and flavor once your coals are lit. And finally, don’t be afraid to experiment – every grill is different, and you’ll need to find what works best for yours. 

If you follow these tips, you should be able to keep your charcoal grill lit and cook great food in no time!

Tips for Keeping Your Charcoal Grill Lit

  1. Use the right amount of charcoal.
  2. Soak your charcoal in water for 30 minutes before grilling.
  3. Use a chimney starter to light your charcoal.
  4. Once your charcoal is lit, let it burn for 10-15 minutes before adding your food.
  5. Keep a spray bottle of water handy in case your fire gets too hot.
  6. When you’re finished grilling, completely extinguish your coals before disposing of them. 7. Store your charcoal in a dry, cool place.
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Causes of a Chimney Not Working

There are a few reasons why your charcoal grill might not be working. The first reason is that the grill wasn’t properly lit, Make sure that you use enough charcoal and that it’s evenly distributed before lighting it.

Another reason could be that the airflow is blocked. Check to see if anything is blocking the vents or Chimney. If there is, remove it so that air can flow freely.

Finally, ensure you’re using the right type of charcoal for your grill. Some grills require specific types of charcoal to work correctly. If unsure, consult your grill’s manual or manufacturer’s website.

How to Fix a Chimney That’s Not Working

If your Chimney isn’t working, the first thing you should do is check to see if it’s properly lit. If it isn’t, relight it using the proper method.

Once you’ve confirmed that the Chimney is lit, check to see if the vents or Chimney are blocked. If they are, remove the blockage so that air can flow freely.

Finally, ensure you’re using the right type of charcoal for your grill. If unsure, consult your grill’s manual or manufacturer’s website.

What to Avoid

If you’re using a charcoal grill, there are a few things you’ll want to avoid if you want to keep your grill lit. First, avoid using too much charcoal.

If you use too much, getting the grill lit won’t be easy, and it will take longer to reach the desired temperature. Second, avoid using wet charcoal.

This can make it difficult to get the grill lit and cause the fire to extinguish itself. Finally, avoid using lighter fluid or other chemicals to start the fire. These can be dangerous and can give your food an unpleasant flavor. 

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If you’re using a gas grill, you’ll also want to avoid a few things. First, avoid using too much gas. If you use too much, it can be difficult to control the heat and can also cause the fire to extinguish itself.

Second, avoid using propane that has been sitting in the sun for a long period. This can make it difficult to get the grill lit and cause the fire to extinguish itself.

Finally, avoid using a lighter or matches to start the fire. These can be dangerous and can give your food an unpleasant flavor.


We hope you found helpful tips on keeping your charcoal grill lit. If you have any other tips that you swear by, be sure to let us know in the comments below. And if you’re looking for more grilling tips and tricks, check out our other articles.


If you’re having trouble keeping your charcoal grill lit, you can try a few things. First, make sure you’re using enough charcoal. If you’re using self-lighting charcoal, follow the instructions on the package.

If you’re using regular charcoal, you’ll need a lighter or match to get it started. Once your charcoal is lit, let it burn for a few minutes before adding any food to the grill.

If you’re having trouble keeping your charcoal grill lit, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Here are some frequently asked questions about how to keep your grill going strong all summer long.

How do I light a charcoal grill?

There are a few different ways to light a charcoal grill, but the most common method is to use a chimney starter. To use a chimney starter, fill the chamber with charcoal and place it on the lower grate of the grill.

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Then, place a piece of crumpled newspaper under the Chimney and light it with a match. The fire will slowly work its way up the Chimney, igniting the charcoal.

Once the coals are glowing red and ash has begun to form on them, they’re ready to be dumped into the grill.

How do I keep my charcoal grill lit?

Once your coals are lit, you’ll need to add more throughout the cooking process to maintain consistent heat. If you’re using a lot of indirect heat or cooking for a long, you may need to add new coals every 30 minutes.

One way to tell if your coals need to be replenished is by feeling them – if they’re no longer hot to the touch, they need to be refreshed.

Another way to tell is by looking at them – if they’ve lost their red glow and are mostly covered in ash, they need to be replaced.

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