Common Meat Grinder Problems & Their Solutions – CGL

Owning a meat grinder equates to adventures. Obviously they make your kitchen life easier. And you get fresh ground meat to experiment with the new recipes. Also the possibility of potential infection is way less. If you haven’t bought your meat grinder yet, you should. And if you need any help regarding that, you should check our article. As they are on the best meat grinders and how to buy a meat grinder.

Although a gift for the cooks, meat grinders do face problems. And that happens when you don’t give it proper care and maintenance. But that is not always the reason. Sometimes if you use the meat grinder for a long time they tend to wear and tear. So there are many problems which you may face. And here we will discuss the common meat grinder problems and what you can do to abate them.

Common Meat Grinder Problems

Further we will be discussing the various problems and solutions which might help you. 

Grinder head problems

Sometimes there is a problem with the grinder head. And when you have to grind some meat for a meal, it may not turn out the way you want. As the consistency is lost, the meat texture will be ruined. Also it may take a lot of time to get one piece of meat through the grinder. And this may happen because the head gets clogged with smaller pieces of meat or fats. Another possibility is that it may not have entered correctly. Therefore it gets hard to push in the meats and do the grinding.when a head has problems, it messes the whole grinding process.

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  • Whatever problems you face, do not panic. And you should simply do these things:
  • Switch off the grinder and detach the grinder head.
  • Then clean it thoroughly. If you want to know how to clean it, go through our article on how to clean a meat grinder.
  • After drying it, fix the head properly.
  • The grinder head will get to its original optimum performing self.

Blade problems

Second there is the issue of blade. At times when you keep on using the grinder continuously, there is bound to be wear and tear. Also the wear and tear also takes place when you grind bones frequently with a grinder. Some electric meat grinders, no doubt can grind bones. But that doesn’t mean that you will do it regularly.


As such if the blades are damaged or dull, you can either replace them or sharpen them. To sharpen them you will need to follow the process. And you can know that in our article on how to sharpen meat grinder blades.. 

And after you do that, try not to use bones again. Even if you need it, do it very occasionally.

Friction problems

Then comes the problem caused by friction. Grinding becomes a herculean task when there is friction. So this problem can be caused by lack of a lubricating element.


To avoid this problem of friction we know ways.

  • Firstly, add a lubricating agent to the grinder parts. Specifically an edible oil because it will come in contact with the meat. And do not go overboard with oil. Only gently brush all the parts enough to do away with the friction.
  • Secondly, always try to freeze your minutes for around half an hour before you start with the grinding.
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Problems with switching on the grinder

If you have a manual meat grinder, you obviously won’t face a problem in this area. But if you use an electric grinder, these kinds of problems are sure to come your way. Usually these problems happen because there is an issue with the power outlet, supply cord or the motor.


  • First of all you need to make sure that you are using the right outlet for your grinder. As there are different voltages for different grinders.
  • Then maybe another time your power cord may have broken, worn off or simply twisted. So check it and replace it if there is damage.
  • And if there is a problem with the motor, you will need to contact professionals.

Problem with meat

Although not exactly a problem of the grinder, this too plays a major role in the grinding.

The size of cuts, meat temperature and texture all influence the grinding.


  • As we have mentioned before the bones in meat cause wear and tear in the blades. Always make sure to remove most of it from the grinder.
  • Also you should try and freeze the meat for around 30 minutes before grinding. As this ensures a faster and precise grinding. And keep in mind that you should not freeze it completely.
  • When choosing meat to grind, do not pick ones which are dry and have no fat at all. When the meat is drier it gets harder to grind.
  • Finally, before you put the meat in the grinder cut those into small cubes. And it should be small enough to fit easily through the head of the grinder.
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In essence we have tried to enumerate the problems you might face and things you should do to abate them. But you should keep in mind that these are just a kind of ‘first aid’. When you cannot solve with these, do not go ahead and dismantle the grinder. As it will only lead to more chaos, mess and malfunction. Be sure to make calls for the experts and wait for them to arrive.

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